CH Kito's Magic Carpet Ride, TT
MBISS AKC GCh/CAN CH Mzazi's Beau de Soleil, CGC ROM x
BIF AKC GCh DC Ridge View's Sweet Dreams R Made of Eve, SC FCh TT
Whelped: 05.17.2009
CHIC #77641 | OFA Hips Good | OFA Elbows Normal | OFA Thyroid Normal | CERF Clear | OFA Cardiac Normal | DM Carrier | EOAD High Confidence Clear
Shag's Stats:
Height: 27.5"
Weight: 95 lbs
Liver gene: B/b (by parentage)
Coloring: Honey Wheaten/Black nose
Available to approved bitches

Shag is a dream boy! Such a devoted sweetheart and so easy on the eyes that you could stare at him all day long. He is one of the happiest dogs I have ever known. For such a big boy, his movement and agility is EFFORTLESS and smooth. Shag finished his AKC Conformation Championship with 3 major wins and is well on his way to completing his AKC Grand Championship with a Best of Breed and Group 4. Shag is at his happiest when he is romping in the desert or with his favorite lady, his co-owner and handler, Sally Swenson. They have such an amazing bond and are a fabulous team. As a new special, Shag and Sally made it to the final cut in Breed at the 2011 National Specialty under judge Kent Delaney. Shag is also a UKC Best in Show winner! While lure coursing is not his thing, Shag has excelled in LGRA races and is about half towards his GRC title.