MBPIS Kito's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, SC
Sire: MBISS AKC GCH/CAN CH Mzazi's Beau de Soleil, ROM CGC
Dam: BIF GCH DC Ridge View's Sweet Dreams R Made of Eve, SC, FCh, TT
Whelped: 02.17.2010
Health clearances to date: CHIC# 102110 | Hips Good | Elbows Normal | Thyroid Normal | Cardiac Normal | CERF Clear | DM Normal | Full Dentition |EOAD High Confidence Clear
Click here to view Lucy's Health Clearances on OFFA.org
Click here to view Lucy's Pedigree

Lucy...aka Lucyfer was one of the "can't help herself naughtiest pups" around, always looking for fun and shopping for trouble but hard to stay mad at this sweet girl, such a character. Lucy started her show career with a bang. At 4 months old she wins her first Puppy Best in Show followed by Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps at the RRCUS Supported show in Greeley, CO at 6 months old. Then Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Op Sex over a special bitch for her first 2pts at 7 months old. A couple of weeks later she won her 2nd Puppy Best in Show in Grand Junction, CO and Reserve Winners Bitch to a major. Lucy took a break from showing but is now back in the ring and has 9 points, including 1 major.
Lucy earned her Senior Courser title in 4 trials and placed 2nd in her stake at the 2011 National Specialty for 3 pts towards her Field Champion title. Like the rest of our pack, Lucy most loves our desert runs.