CH Kito's Sweet Stellar Evolution, SC
Sire: CAN CH DC Ridge View's Leo the King of Stars, CD RE MC AX AXJ OF VC CGC FCH TT
Dam: BIF GCh DC Ridge View's Sweet Dreams R Made of Eve, SC FCh TT ROM
Whelped: 04.21.2011
CHIC# 90613 | OFA Hips Good | OFA Elbows Normal | OFA Thyroid Normal | OFA Cardiac Normal | BAER Normal | OFA Eyes Normal | DM Normal by Parentage | Full Dentition | EOAD High Confidence Clear
Brody's stats:
Height: 26.75"
Weight: 90 lbs
Liver nose gene carrier B/B by Parentage
Brody has sired 3 All ridged litters.Available for stud to approved bitches

Brody (aka Brodeo) started off his show career by winning Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Competition at the 2011 RRCUS National Speciality in Rapid City, SD at 4 months old. After a nine month break from showing so that he could grow up, his first weekend out he went Reserve Winners Dog both days in Casper, WY at 13 months old. At his next show two weeks later, he went Winners Dog for a 4 pt major. Brody's next show was the CRRC 1st Regional Specialty with an entry of over 70 Ridgebacks where he won Best Puppy in Sweepstakes under breeder judge Liz Demery and then went on to win Winners Dog for a 5 pt major under breeder judge William Sahloff. The following day at the RRCUS Supported show he won Best in Puppy Sweepstakes again! Back to Back Puppy Sweepstakes wins! At his next show, Brody went Winners Dog/Best of Winners for another 5 pt major and at his final show of the year, he again went Winners Dog/Best of Winners for 2 pts which gave him his AKC Championship! Brody exclusively owner/breeder handled from the Bred-by Exhibitor class by me and Sally Swenson. We are so proud of this young boy. With limited showing, Brody has 21 points (all majors) towards his GCh.
Over Labor Day weekend, Brody attended his first lure coursing trial. He obtained his QC on his first try and then went on to win 2nd place in Open each day for a total of 4 pts towards his Field Championship title. He shows amazing promise. Brody currently has 9 pts and one major towards his FC/DC.
Brody is loved by Derick and Callie Apt, and his human baby sister Stella (pictured above). We are so thankful to the Apt's for sharing Brody with us and taking such wonderful care of him. He is such a special boy with the sweetest temperament!